We would love to see your photos using the poses posted on our blog! So if you would like to submit a photo to us, you can post a link in the comments or go here: http://simultitude.iftopic.com/t18-photo-submissions and fill out this form.
Made for: [Name of comp photo was for. If it was just experimentation, that's fine. Just put that.]
Photo: [Editing is allowed]
All photo submissions will be featured in the next issue of Twists & Turns.
Thank you!
Pepper & Lioness
Is it okay if I post here?
ReplyDeleteUsername: The Rose Legacy
Made for: Experimentation
Photo: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=425729370776147&set=o.35298715078&type=1&theater¬if_t=like
Yes you can post here. Thank you =]